~ Gettysberg Address by:Jeff Daniels ~
Amazing Grace-Rhema Marvanne This 7yr old is amazing!
Amazing Grace-The Civil War A Collection of Historical Ninetheenth Century Photographs from the American Civil War
Battle of Fort Knox -NEWS Center
Battle Hymn of the Republic The mended and updated video of The Battle Hymn of the Republic as sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Included are scenes from The Patriot, Gettysburg, Saving Private Ryan, and We Were Soldiers. Listen to the lyrics and enjoy the montage. "Let us live to make men free!
Battle Hymn of the Republic For Those Who Don't Want Violence By: Robert Shaw Chorale... Part of my "Reflections" series. Turn the volume up for this song and if it doesn't give you goose bumps you need better speakers! This starts out a little slow, but then . . . WOW !!
Cannon Firing, Fort Knox, Me. The 6th Maine Battery Civil War reenactors demonstrate the firing of a replica parrot rifled cannon. Event Sponsored by the Friends of Fort Knox.
Civil War cannons from : cinemaDP
Civil War 12 pound Cannon, Antietam Civil War 12 pound cannon into 50 gallon drums, Antietam National Battlefield.
Fredericksburg Civil War Battle 2007 Street Battle and at the Wall
General George Custer "Comanche"
Glory and Honor-Honoring Confederates
July4th weekend, 2010 -NEWS Center
The Day They Took "OLE DIXIE" Down
The Way We Get By -Bangor, Me.
US Civil War Music Video (Song-The Day the Sun Stood Still)